The Association for London's Welsh Legal Community
Supporting the Legal Community in Wales
The Association engages in a number of annual events, including lectures, consultation paper responses and committee/forums on a range of legal matters.
A transcript of the speech delivered by Lord Lloyd-Jones, Justice of the Supreme Court, on 8 March 2018, on the topic "The Codification of Welsh Law: Aims and Progress" - view / download here.
A transcript of the speech delivered by Jeremy Miles AC/AM, Counsel general for Wales, on 8 March 2018, on the topic "The Codification of Welsh Law: Aims and Progress" - view / download here.
Our submission to the Law Commission's consultation on the form and accessibility of the law applicable in Wales - view/download here.
Our submission to the Welsh Government's Consultation on the establishment of a Legal Jurisdiction for Wales - view/download here.
Transcript of the Association’s 2014 Annual Lecture by Lord Judge Lloyd-Jones, entitled: “Law Reform in a Devolved Wales” - view/download here.
Transcript of the Association’s 2013 Annual Lecture by The Rt Hon Lord Judge, Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales entitled: “The Welsh Language: Some Reflections on History” – view/download here.
Transcript of the Association’s 2012 Annual Lecture by The Rt. Hon. Lord Justice Pill and chaired by The Rt. Hon. Lord Morris of Aberavon entitled: “2012: The Welsh Legal Landscape” - view/download here.
Separate Legal Jurisdiction for Wales Consultation Response. Text of the Association’s response to the Welsh Government’s consultation on a separate legal jurisdiction for Wales, 27 March 2012 - view/download here.